Podcasts :
-Harry Potter and the Sacred Text : the hosts Vanessa and Casper read the entire series and every episode they explore a theme in a chapter. I love how deep they go and how much effort they put in every episode. They beyond the plot and dive into text through spiritually, current events, and feelings.
-Books Unbound : hosted by one of my favorite booktubers, Ariel , and her friend, they have a chill chat books, what they're reading, bookish news, and recommendations!
-Boy With Luv by BTS ft Halsey
-Billie Eilish : i mean she is so talented. some of my favorite songs by her is Lovely, everything i wanted, and ocean eyes.
-Taylor Swift's Lover album : the vibe is amazing! love cornelia street, lover, london boy, and i think he knows.
-Modern Loneliness by Lauv : the mood and lyrics in this song is perfect and so relatable.
-Conan Gray : another amazing young artist.
Kpop :loving BTS, Twice, and Monster by Exo
Youtube and creators:
Iz Harris: amazing travel vlogger and video maker; her videos are so calming and neatly done
Best Dressed: lifestyle and fashion; quirky and relatable
Linh Truong : her videos are an actual aesthetic; there cute and artsy
Readwithcindy: talks about book and is so freaking funny
Booksandlala: just nice to watch lol
Liqizi: super calming
Books with Chai (on twitter and blog): honestly funny, relatable, and entertaining.
Books and reading :
-Between The World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates : read this a week before the protests started happening and can't stop thinking about it ever since. probably the best book i've read on race in america. literally no bullshit
-Rereading Harry Potter : started out of Chamber of Secrets and now on Order of the Phoenix. ugh these times require a comfort read.
-Harry Potter wattpad fanfiction lol : loved reading Marauders fanfiction Nox and Drarry fanfics lol
-Beach Read by Emily Henry : the smut and romance was good not gonna lie
-my goddam covid mask is literally saving my life right now.
-people finally standing up and paying attention to what blacks are going through/black lives matter movement; young people are demanding change and don't want to live and accept the status quo